Serhan portrait

Hello there! I'm Serhan Asad a Georgia Tech Computer Science student. I'm passionate about AI for materials discovery, web development, and data analytics, committed to innovation and user-focused solutions.

My projects

Threads App

In this project, I developed a full-stack MERN application leveraging Next.js 14, integrating React for the frontend, TypeScript for static type checking, and MongoDB for the database.

  • Next.js
  • Clerk
  • Tailwind CSS
  • MongoDB
  • Shadcn
  • Figma
  • Zod

Face Recognition System

Developed a TensorFlow-based face recognition system using FaceNet's algorithms, achieving 98% accuracy in verification with L2 distance calculations for secure identity checks. Enhanced with Neural Style Transfe

  • TensorFlow

Big Data Big Impact

Led frontend development for a Georgia Tech project, crafting a web app that maps and analyzes hurricane damages using neural networks. Achievied a 40% faster damage cost estimation.

  • React
  • Figma
  • Google API
  • D3.js
  • Data Visualization

My skills

My experience


Contact me

Please contact me directly at sasad3@gatech or through this form.